Arena Family Dental

Have a perfect smile!

Root Canal Therapy

Modern Prosthetics

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal Treatment is done to save teeth in which decay has reached till the nerve inside the tooth. When the decay reaches the nerve, it causes a severe pain, more sensitivity to cold/hot , could cause pain of an intensity that you might wake up at night with the pain and sometime sis not even relieved by pain-killers.

Root canal treatment :the nerve inside the tooth is removed , the space is cleaned thoroughly & filled with an inert filling material.Then a permanent filling is placed. The tooth that has been root canal treated may need a crown to protect it against fracture and breaking away.We assess the tooth thoroughly before starting root canal treatment for you to have a good idea of the cost beforehand.

The procedure takes 3-5 visits & can be done in a pain free manner.

Check-Up & Clean

This is the most important appointment. A thorough examination of teeth, gums and surrounding tissues is done to detect any dental diseases.

More precise treatment

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Stop feeling pain

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The dream of having your teeth fixed and real

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Aligned teeth

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know the difference between prostheses and implants

Fixed bridge : this involves taking support from adjacent teeth . it is fixed to teeth unlike dentures.


schedule your appointment

required technology and professional expertise

We do Complete and Partial dentures to replace missing teeth.

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Recover the will to smile with freedom and comfort